February 2nd is Imbolc, the first day of spring for Pagans. Falling midway between the Winter Solstice and the Spring equinox Imbolc is a sabbat celebration. (Picture to the Left “Imbolc Festival February 3rd 2007” by steven earnshaw via Wikimedia Commons). They are chasing Jack Frost away to welcome spring
(picture below “Imbolc smoke and fire” by malcolm via Wikimedia Commons).
There is a link to groundhog day in that Imbolc is the day that Cailleach, the divine hag, gathers her firewood. If she has a clear day she can gather enough firewood for a longer winter. If it is cloudy she can’t gather enough firewood so the winter will be shorter.
February 1st is also St. Brigid’s day with lots of celebrations. The website in the link has more details than I knew, so I won’t pretend that I knew them to start with. I do know that they make crosses from straw for St. Brigid’s blessings (Picture By Liscannorman via Wikimedia Commons).
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