We had a great time last Saturday night. Thanks Ann for bringing this whiskey – Irish Mist Honey. It was really the favorite. I thought it was very smooth. It is a little sweeter than the Jamison, and not as smoky. I generally don’t like sweet liquor, but this wasn’t too sweet. I think I will end up drinking both depending on what I am eating. The Bushemill’s was way too strong for me. I will confess to being a wimp when it comes to alcohol.
We ate corned beef and cabbage (of course). I cooked the corned beef in Guinness and broth and it was wonderful. I only put the cabbage in for 30 min so it was still a little crunchy and not slimy. I like mine with horse radish or mustard. I made shepherd’s pie too. What’s not to like about lamb and potatoes?
I even made desert – an apple amber which is a apple pudding with a meringue top. I liked it, but my husband didn’t like it as much as he likes regular apple pie. I must admit that the grated cooked apples made the crust a little soggy even though I pre-cooked it. In addition to the apple amber we had a cranachan which is almond, honey,
oatmeal, whiskey, all rolled into cream with raspberries on top goodness. Very yummy. I will make that again.
Of course the highlight of the evening was the time we spent with friends.
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