Right now I’m watching the 2016 Olympics. The beach volleyball is terrific and of course the swimming, track and gymnastics – Wow! I got to thinking what was happening with the Olympic’s during the time my book is set. 1896 was the first year of the modern Olympics. There had been several international sporting events in the previous decades, but nothing this big. The games were held in Athens in recognition of the ancient Olympics. They played 9 different sports, most of which are still Olympic events.

I have loved watching the women athletes in Rio, they have had so much excitement and passion for their sports. In 1896 women were not allowed to compete. Women athletes were considered unaesthetic and uninteresting. Huh? They sure didn’t even imagine Katie Ledecky! In 1896 a Greek woman, Stamata Revithi, ran the 40 km marathon one day after the men to try and prove that women should be allowed. Her time? 5 hours and 30 min. The male winner, Spiridon Louis, ran it in 2 hours 58 min. In 2016 the women’s marathon was won by Kenyan Jemima Jelagat Sumgong in 2 hours 24 min. It was a little longer too – 42.195 km. In the 1900 Olympics women were allowed to compete in golf and tennis and have been adding athletes and events since. This year 46% of Olympic athletes are women.
Of course none of this mattered to Seamus and Irena. Without TV or radio sports were a local event for most people. The newspapers would cover the Olympics, but for most people in the US the 1896 Olympics were probably a non-event.
![See page for author [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons BASA-3K-7-422-10-1896_Summer_Olympics](http://lisawayman.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/BASA-3K-7-422-10-1896_Summer_Olympics-300x243.jpg)
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